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Phone : 416-824-5911 Mail:Basementrus@gmail.com

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Regular : Open from 9 to 5 pm

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Frequently Asked Questions

To get started, simply contact us through our website or give us a call. We'll schedule a consultation to discuss your project, understand your needs, and provide you with a personalized quote.

We specialize in a wide range of renovations, including kitchen remodels, bathroom renovations, whole-house renovations, and more. Our team has the expertise to handle various projects, both big and small.

The duration of a renovation project depends on its scope and complexity. We'll provide you with a detailed timeline during the consultation phase, outlining each step of the process.


Yes, all our contractors are licensed and insured. We prioritize safety and quality workmanship, and our team members are skilled professionals in their respective fields.

Absolutely! We offer design services to help you visualize your renovation project. Our team works closely with you to understand your style preferences and create a design that aligns with your vision.


Our pricing is transparent and based on the scope of work, materials, and labor involved. We provide detailed quotes so you know exactly what to expect, and we strive to stay within your budget.


We understand that preferences may change. We are flexible and open to accommodating changes whenever possible. Any adjustments to the project scope will be discussed, and the impact on timeline and cost will be communicated.


Yes, we take care of obtaining any required permits for your project. Our team is familiar with local regulations and will ensure that all necessary approvals are obtained before starting the renovation.ovals are obtained before starting the renovation.

Yes, we stand by the quality of our workmanship. We offer a warranty on our renovations to provide you with peace of mind and assurance in the durability of the completed project.

We do our best to maintain a clean environment.

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